My encounters with pets have been rather short in my younger days. Back then, pets were somewhat a luxury. Anyway, I've had a few pets back then and these are my stories.
My First Fishtales
When I was a toddler at the age of around 3, I used to bug my Grandfather to buy me fishes. I would whine to him "Nak ikan, nak ikan!" and he would ride out on his motorbike to buy me a gold fish.
When he came home, he'd show me the beautiful fish in the transparent plastic bag, swimming about. Then he'd fill up a small wide pail and put the fish in it. I would squat and put my little hand in the pail and play with the fish.
I don't know why but after some time, I could catch the fish in my palm and then squeeze it. The poor gold fish dies and I would whine for another. I don't think I was a serial-fish killer. I honestly think those were accidents.
My Grandfather, spoiling me, would buy me another. And the cycle continues with another dead gold fish. I don't know how many I've killed before Grandfather had a brilliant idea.
One day he came out with a plastic fish that needed to be wound up so that it could swim in water. I didn't know the difference between a gold fish and that plastic fish and was initialy quite happy to watch it swim.
Then, as always, I would grab it and squeeze. Only this time, it hurts my hand and the fish doesn't die.
My First Dog
Uncle Gary had a pair of beautiful dogs whom he named Lion and Tiger. They mated and had a few puppies. One of them was given to us and we named him Brownie. He had soft, golden fur and was a cute little thing. I think I was around 5 when we had him. Day in and day out, I would cuddle Brownie whenever I had the chance to get hold of him.
Once in my arms, I never let him go until I've had enough of cuddling him. I remember the last time ever I cuddled him and refused to let him go. I was sitting on a swing in our garden, with him on my lap. He was struggling to free himself from my clutches as usual and I wouldn't let him go.
After a while, he stopped squirming and sat very still. Then, I felt something warm on my hand. When I looked down, I saw that Brownie had pooed, right in my hand! I yelped and jumped out of the swing. He ran for his life.
I cleaned and I cleaned, and I was disgusted. I scolded Brownie for doing that and he hid under a table. But the rest of my aunties thought I probably deserved it for not letting him go. I secretly thought so too.
Brownie stayed with us for another few years before he went out one day and never came home. We tried looking for him but to no avail. Many years later in the same vicinity, I saw a dog that looked similar to Brownie and I wondered if it was him.
My First Hamster
When I was 12, a friend at school gave me her pet hamster because she was migrating and had no one to take care of her hamster. She couldn't bring him along either. So I inherited the chubby little fella and I was thrilled.
I was rather naive and unbelievable, now that I think back. Everyday, since I got him, I brought him to school. I would leave him in his little cage under my chair. One day, I was unaware that the cage door was left ajar and he slipped out. When I realised he wasn't there, I panicked and yelled to the whole class that I've lost him.
The teacher was stunned but stopped the class and let me search around for my hamster. I was crawling on the floor looking under everyone's desks and chairs, and asking my classmates to lift their feet so that they won't accidentally step and squash him.
They obliged and some even helped me find him. When I finally found him, he was quite dirty and I told my teacher he needed a bath right then. Surprisingly, she let me off to go clean him!
I brought another classmate along and we both went to a sink and cleaned up his cage and washed him up as well. It was a crazy thing to do and till now I don't understand why the teacher was so lenient with my unreasonable request.
However, since that episode, Mom thought I'd better not bring him to school anymore so that I don't cause anymore distractions. Back then, I was also very involved in sports and hardly had time to care for him. So I decided to give him to another friend whom I thought could do a better job than me.
She was glad to have him and even bought another female hamster to keep him company. But one day, she came to school gloomy and told me that he had died. He slipped out of the cage where he and his new "girlfriend" were living. My friend was searching high and low for him but couldn't find him. Giving up, she left to go to school. As she walked out of her home, she found him. He was lying motionless on the garden, dead. She thinks that he had fallen off the balcony of her room.
After that I've not kept any pets until I was 18. Another pair of hamsters given to me as a birthday present from Jason. Alas, they too died within months from violent fights with each other.
Now, I've got 3 beautiful Persian cross Norwegian Hunting cats who have been living with me for almost 4 years.
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